Tuesday, May 13, 2014

AGM Minutes


The AGM-2014 of STAOA was held on Sunday 4th May 2014, 11 am at Sabari Terrace. Here is an update of the events of the day.

Representatives from the following Apartments attended the AGM
  • First Block
    • 1-4C (Sunil's Manager)
    • 1-4D (Meena and Suresh)
  • Second  Block
    • 2-1A (Raji) , 
    • 2-1C (Sowmya & Shankar)
    • 2-1D (Krithika)
    • 2-2B (Srinivas and Vijaya)
    • 2-3A (Vaidehi)
    • 2-3C (Anand's in-laws)
  • Third Block -
    • 3-1A (Priyaranjan's rep. - Venkatesh)
    • 3-1C (Amit & Ruchi)
    • 3-1D ((Sirish)
    • 3-3A (Balraj)
    • 3-3C (Prabha & Harsha)
  • Fourth Block
    • 4-1A (Mahidar)
    • 4-1D (Binoy)
    • 4-2C (Shekar)
    • 4-3A (Veena)
    • 4-3C (Ravi)
    • 4-3D (Ravi)
    • 4-4A (Preethi)
    • 4-4B (Venkatesh)
    • 4-4C (Subhadra's rep. - Venkatesh)
Some messages from those who could not attend the AGM
  • 1-1D - Vidhya Raja - Today we r having our family function at kancheepuram , we r unable to attend ,sorry for the inconvenience , and v wish the present sec Mr Harsha koda can continue . Thanking you . Vidhya raja..
  • 3-3B - Rajshekar Y - Have told prakash that i will not be attending agm. Shall meet you today if possible. Raj
  • 4-3B - Prashanth Gnanadesigan - Hi Harsha, I'll not be making it. Have a function to attend
  • 4-2B Vidya Gajapathi Raju -  Am working that day for a wedding function ! May not make it ! Apologies. !! Pls let me know if any decisions are to be decided vidya
  • 1-3C Narendhar - I am out of station on work Mr.Harish and hence will not be able to attend the meeting. Dr. Narendhar.
  • 4-4D Balaji - We are at Salem Harsha. We are very much impressed and satisfied about your leadership of the association and we extend our support to you for all the coming years too. Wishing you all the best Harsha. With warm regards. Balaji family. 4-4D, Sabari Terrace.
  • 2-3B Prabhu Kumar - Hope you and everyone else at Sabari Terrace are doing fine! Well, unfortunately we will not be available for the AGM on 4th May. We had originally planned our vacation sometime now but has been postponed to June. Will surely pay a visit when I am there. I will catch up with the minutes. If there is anything else you require from our end, please feel free to let me know. Thank you. Best wishes.

The President Ravi Alfred, declared the Annual General Body Meeting open.
In his brief talk he thanked Harsha, Srinivas and all the other committee members for their co-operation.

The  Treasurer Srinivas E, submitted the accounts for the period 2013-2014 to all those present and explained the various challenges he encountered in balancing the books.

The Secretary's (Harsha Koda) Report   on the activities of 2013-2014

Repairs - As part of an ongoing process the following major repairs were undertaken
  • Genset change-over switch replaced due to wear and tear
  • Paving blocks repaired
  • Electrical underground ducts repaired
  • Lift Rod (1st block)
  • Lift relay switch and Rope (2nd block)
  • Lift fan replaced (4th block)
  • Roof leakage in gym repaired.
  • Staircase windows repaired
  • Door closer repaired

  • New STP motor purchased.
  • Old motor repaired and kept as stand-by
  • Wall cracks in underground chamber repaired with waterproofing

AMCs and licenses - All the required AMCs and licenses have been updated and renewed
  • Genset oil service  - every month
  • Gym AMC renewed
  • Security cameras AMC renewed
  • Gym A/C AMC renewed
  • Lift AMC changed to Christ Lift due to bad service and higher cost from Kannan Lifts

Pest Control
  • Termite treatment for common areas in ground floor/stilt level carried out in June.
  • Cockroach Pest control - every 3 months
  • Rat Pest control - as per requirement
  • Pigeon net fixed in all ducts in south side of building

  • Lift Licence renewed upto May 2015
  • Overhead tanks, Sumps, Sludge cleaning in June and Sept - next due in May 2014

Commercial EB
As a "by-product" of having so many commercial tenants all our common electricity will be soon converted to commercial. The difference amount is being collected from commercial operators from Aug 2013.

  • All metal gates and grills in common areas painted due to corrosion/wear-and-tear.
  • All staircases and lift lobbies, were painted with washable paints.  

Water leakages
In the last AGM this problem  was discussed and detailed that more than 90 % of these leakages were from commercial (PG/GH) flats. We have sent out mails to all such owners. Most of them did not take action on this. It was decided to take up the repairs to external walls and conduits in a phased manner and completed by December.
  • Spouts for all bathrooms extended
  • New spouts fixed for 4th block - all bathrooms

Security Guards
For sometime we have seen that the quality of security guards and the management in general of Eagle Security has been on the decline. In the month of November/December 2013 it was way below standard. We have since replaced the agency and from 1st Jan 2014 DJ Security agency is doing a good job.

Members who attended the AGM expressed their appreciation about the commitment to duty that the security staff demonstrated. In fact, Meena Suresh, who has been away for almost a year, said she was pleased that she was asked to "make an entry" in the visitors book.

Mohan's problems continue
We brought up this issue at the last AGM. One year down the line very little has changed as far a Mohan and his apartments are concerned.

A notable fact in this meeting was that the owners who have rented their apartments to Mohan came out with the various issues they have been facing. Some of them requested for the Committee's help. 

Though a few owners have asked him to vacate, he still has a considerable presence at Sabari Terrace. The maintenance continues to come late every month - sometimes only on the 30th. We have also been informed that several members have not receivedd their rent for 3 months at a time. Instances of non-payment of TNEB bills have also been brought to our notice. Please note that the owners will be liable for all defaults by the tenant. Kindly keep this in mind before returning/adjusting the security deposit with the tenant.

As this issue has been a continuing one, we request the concerned owners to write/email the committee with their exact concerns so that we can try and solve the issues.

Future plans - The following activities/purchases/repairs are planned for the year 2014-2015. They will be carried out as soon as funds are allocated.
  • New computer for office - Urgent
  • Genset covering against rain - Urgent
  • Lights in the South side passage
  • Water cut-off valves for commercial apartments
  • Intercom/security phone - replace/repair
  • Digging of a new Well for water
  • Extension of garden area
  • Covering lift with vinyl stickers
  • Painting of all buildings

New committee members

Ravi Alfred (4-3C) has been wanting to retire from his post as President for a while and this time he was quite firm on it. He however continues to be a committee member.

For 3 years now, I, Harsha Koda (3-3C), have been holding the post of Secretary. I requested several of the other resident members present at the AGM  to take up the post and relieve me of this duty, but, none of them came forward. So, I have once again been unanimously elected as the Secretary.  Looking forward to your continued support.

Srinivas Edupuganti (2-2B), the incumbent Treasurer, as most of you are aware, has moved out of Sabari Terrace for personal reasons. He however retains his apartment here. He has been elected as the President.

The new Treasurer is Binoy Kenny (4-1D).

The following is the final list of newly elected committee:
  • President   E Srinivas 2-2B
  • Secretary Harsha Koda 3-3C
  • Treasurer Binoy Kenny 4-1D
Other members - some new members have volunteered to help with the work as committee members. Some incumbent committee members like Amit Jain (3-1C) and Subramanian (4-2A) have asked to be relieved.
  • Suresh Ganesan 1-4D
  • Krithika Anand 2-1D 
  • Vaidehi Rengan 2-3A
  • Sirish Patel 3-1D
  • Shekar Subramanian 4-2C
  • Ravi Alfred 4-3C
  • Preethi Athreya 4-4A
  • Venkatesh 4-4B 
If I have missed out something please let me know and I will send another mail sometime soon.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the next meeting.

Harsha Koda

 Reactions to the mail 
  • 1-1A Prem Karra - Thanks for the update.As both my son and I are abroad we could not attend the meeting
  • 1-3A Balaji Vaidyanath - My apologies as I didn't intimate about my absence.  Many thanks for the great/thankless work done by you.
  • 3-3D Harri krishnanMy apologies on not communicating earlier as i was travelling. Glad that the property is in great hands and that you guys are doing a great job. Hope my tenant is in line and behaving himself. Kindly let me know if there is anything i have to do.
  • 4-3B Prashanth Gnanadesikan - Hi Harsha / Srinivas, Congrats on being elected again (Srinivas as a President). Looking forward for your continued support. PS: Don't have Binoy's email - please forward my wishes. 

The AGM-2015 of STAOA was held on Sunday 10th May 2015, 11 am at Sabari Terrace. Here is an update of the events of the day.

Representatives from the following Apartments attended the AGM

  • First Block
    • 1-4D (Meena and Suresh)
  • Second  Block
    • 2-1D (Krithika & Anandkumar)
    • 2-2B (Srinivas and Vijaya)
    • 2-3C (Anand's in-laws)
    • 2-2A (Gopalakrishna Reddy & His Son)
  • Third Block -
    • 3-3A (Balraj)
    • 3-3C (Prabha & Harsha)
  • Fourth Block
    • 4-1A (Mahidar)
    • 4-1D (Binoy & Megha)
    • 4-2C (Shekar)
    • 4-3C (Ravi)
    • 4-3D (Ravi)

Some messages from those who could not attend the AGM

  • 1-1D - Vidhya Raja - Today we r having our family function at madurai , we r unable to attend ,sorry for the inconvenience , and v wish the present sec Mr Harsha koda can continue . Thanking you . Vidhya raja..

  • 3-3B - Rajshekar Y - Have told prakash that i will not be attending agm. Shall meet you today if possible. Raj

  • 4-3B - Prashanth Gnanadesigan - Hi Harsha, I'll not be making it. Have a function to attend

  • 2-1A Kothandaraman -  Am working that day for a wedding function ! May not make it ! Apologies. !! Pls let me know if any decisions are to be decided

  • 1-1C Vipin Reddy - I am out of station on work Mr.Harsha and hence will not be able to attend the meeting.

  • 4-4D Balaji - We are at Salem Harsha. We are very much impressed and satisfied about your leadership of the association and we extend our support to you for all the coming years too. Wishing you all the best Harsha. With warm regards. Balaji family. 4-4D, Sabari Terrace.

  • 1-1A Amrit Karra -Dear Mr Harsha Koda,

    Thanks for the notice to attend the Assocciation AGM on Sunday .As I am travelling I will be unable to attend the meeting.Any reasonable decisions taken by the committee is OK by me.
    Prem Karra
  • 4-1B N. Srinivasan - I will be at Cochin on 10th to attend a family function and hence I will not be attending AGM.

  • 3-1-B - N.Krishnan - We will not be available in Madras on 10th may as mentioned earlier to Mr.prakash and hence will not be able to attend the AGM. We would go by the decision agreed by the committee . 

  • 2-2-C Prema Suresh - At the outset , we take this  opportunity to express our profound and heartfelt thanks to the TEAM STOA for their selfless, dedicated and tireless efforts in maintaining the Sabari terrace in a highly Spick and span condition which is not an easy task and also thank you all very much for all your immediate help at times of exigency.

    As our presence is indispensable for an important domestic function , we are not in a position to attend the AGM scheduled for 10th May 2015 and we are extremely sorry for not making up our presence. 

The President Srinivas, declared the Annual General Body Meeting open.

In his brief talk he thanked Harsha, Binoy and all the other committee members for their co-operation.

The  Treasurer P.K.Binoy submitted the accounts for the period 2014-2015 to all those present and explained the various challenges he encountered in balancing the books.

Some of the activities of 2014-15 detailed in the Secretary, Harsha Koda's report: -

1. WTP Pipe Line extended from WTP Room to near STP Tank

2. New computer (CPU) bought for Office Use.

3. New Genset Self Motor bought.

4. Genset Roof Work Completed.

5. New Sewerage chamber built in 1st block (south east corner).

6. Gym Side camera shifted to genset backside for better coverage of south passage.

7. All Blocks intercoms and phones service done.

8. WTP plant work completed. New sand, coal, resins and other spare parts changed.

9. All flats EB meters changed as a electronic meter - from TNEB.

10. New garden work done in 1st & 2nd Blocks and 3rd and 4th blocks passages.

AMCs and licenses - All the required AMCs and licenses have been updated and renewed

  • Genset oil service  - every month

  • Gym AMC renewed

  • Security cameras AMC renewed

  • Gym A/C AMC renewed

  • Lift AMC changed to maestro Lift due to bad service and license problem from christ Lifts

Pest Control:

  • Cockroach Pest control - every 3 months

  • Rat Pest control - as per requirement

At the AGM it was unanimously voted that the current office bearers would continue for another term. 

Core committee:

  • President   E Srinivas 2-2B
  • Secretary Harsha Koda 3-3C
  • Treasurer Binoy Kenny 4-1D

Other committee members - Mr. Balraj (3-3A) has agreed to contribute to the activities at Sabari Terrace. Other members from last year will continue to serve

  • Suresh Ganesan 1-4D
  • Krithika Anand 2-1D 
  • Vaidehi Rengan 2-3A
  • Sirish Patel 3-1D
  • Balraj 3-3A
  • Shekar Subramanian 4-2C
  • Ravi Alfred 4-3C
  • Preethi Athreya 4-4A
  • Venkatesh 4-4B 

It was decided to increase the Maintenance Charges (including water and sewage). These have not been raised for over 2 years. The treasurer will look into the costs and projections and finalise the hike - estimated to be either 10 or 15%. 

We have since had a series of discussions and finalised the rate as 15%. You will receive a separate mail with the new rates that will be effective from 1st September. Kindly forward the same to your tenants so that they are aware of the new rates. 

Some of the future plans and projections were discussed and the following decisions taken.

  • STP Filter Tank cylinder crack repair work (since completed)
  • WTP water filling tank crack repair
  • New plastic chairs and tables (for security)
  • Garbage Bins to be purchased- 4 Nos
  • Staff Diwali Bonus - One month salary
  • Staff Salary hike - 10% .
  • Security Agency rate hike (final negotiations due)

     (Some of these are already being implemented.)

    Estimates for the following are being gathered so that we can plan to do these works in the future.
    • Wall Painting
    • Children's Play area painting Work
    • Water meters.

    If I have missed out something please let me know and I will send another mail sometime soon.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the next meeting.

    Thanking you,

    The AGM-2016-17 of STAOA was held on Sunday 11th JUNE .2017, 11 am at Sabari Terrace.


    Here is an update of the events of the day.


    Representatives from the following Apartments attended the AGM

    First Block - 

    • 1-4D (Suresh)

    Second  Block – 

    • 2-1B (Rajalakshmi)
    • 2-1C (Shankar)
    • 2-2B (Srinivas & Vijayalashmi)
    • 2-2C (Prema & Suresh) 

    Third Block 

    • 3-1A (Praveen)
    • 3-3B (Rajasekar)
    • 3-3C (Harsha & Prabha)

    Fourth Block – 

    • 4-1C (Vankateswaran)
    • 4-1D (Binoy & Megha)
    • 4-2C (Shekar)
    • 4-3C (Ravi)
    • 4-3D (Christo)
    • 4-4A (Preethi)
    • 4-4B (Subin & Lija)

    Some messages from those who could not attend the AGM

    • 4-2A :- Ram Kishore: I can’t make it on 18th as I am not in town.  I am OK with the decisions taken as part of improvement.
    • 4-2D:- Jayaraman: As myself and family is away from Chennai, we are not in a position to attend the meeting.
    • 2-1D:- Krithika & Anand: We are out of country. Will be back only by July.


    The President Srinivas Edeclared the Annual General Body Meeting open.  In his brief talk he thanked Harsha, Binoy and all the other committee members and staff  for their co-operation.


    The  Treasurer P.K.Binoy submitted the accounts for the period 2016-17 to all those present and explained the various challenges he encountered in balancing the books.


    Some of the activities of 2016-17 detailed in the Secretary, Harsha Koda's report: -


    1. STP & WTP Tank Cleaning Work

    2. WTP Pressure Tank Switches and bulbs changed.

    3. WTP & STP Chamber height increased.

    4. EB Auto changeover serviced.

    5. All blocks - Door closures, Staircase window  replaced or repaired.

    6. All blocks - Lift painting work

    7. “VARDHA” storm repair exps (among others)

    a. Gym Treadmill belt changed.

    b. Gym roof work done

    c. Wall repaired and painted

    8. Fire Extinguishers refilled

    9. Play area fencing and painting work


    AMCs and licenses - All the required AMCs and licenses have been updated and renewed

    • Genset oil service  - every month
    • Gym AMC renewed
    • Security cameras AMC renewed
    • Gym A/C AMC renewed
    • Lift AMC


    Pest Control:

    • Cockroach Pest control - every 3 months
    • Rat Pest control - as per requirement
    • Spider control - as per requirement.​

    At the AGM it was unanimously voted that the current office bearers would continue for another term. 


    Core committee:

    • President Srinivas Edupuganti 2-2B
    • Secretary Harsha Koda 3-3C
    • Treasurer Binoy Kenny 4-1D

    Other committee members – 

      • Rajalakshmi Mohanan (2-1B)
      • Suresh Ganesan (1-4D)
      • Praveen Tiruvoth (3-1A)
      • Venkatesawaran R (4-1C)
      • Shekar Subramanian(4-2C)
      • Ravi Alfred (4-3C)
      • Preethi Athreya (4-4A)
      • Subin Nettar (4-4B)


    Some of the future plans and projections were discussed and the following decisions taken.

    1. Apartment Outer painting - a detailed estimate will be prepared shortly and the exact amount to be paid by each apartment owner will be intimated.

    2. Fresh water Well  - to be dug and integrated with the rain water harvesting network to help with the fresh water supply.

    3. Additional Underground sump

    4. Staff’s Advance

    5. Shelf for salt bags

    6. Electrician room roof work


    If I have missed out something please let me know and I will send another mail sometime soon.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the next meeting.

    ​Thanks and regards,


    Harsha Koda


    Team STAOA

    The AGM-2017-18 & 2018-19 of STAOA was held on Sunday 18th AUGUST .2019, 11 am at Sabari Terrace.


    Here is an update of the events of the day.


    Representatives from the following Apartments attended the AGM

    First Block - 

    • 1-4D (Suresh)
    • 1-3B (Santhi Paramasivam)

    Second  Block – 

    • 2-1A (Kothandaraman)
    • 2-1C (Shankar)
    • 2-2A (Gopalakrishna Reddy)
    • 2-2B (Srinivas & Vijayalakshmi)
    • 2-2D (Ravikumar)
    • 2-3A (Vaidehi Rengan) 

    Third Block 

    • 3-1A (Praveen)
    • 3-2C (kaashyap Vissa)
    • 3-3B (Rajasekar)
    • 3-3C (Harsha & Prabha)
    • 3-3D (Harri krishnan)

    Fourth Block – 

    • 4-1C (Vankateswaran)
    • 4-1D (Binoy & Megha)
    • 4-2A (Ram Kishore)
    • 4-2C (Shekar)
    • 4-3A (Veena Ganesh)
    • 4-3C (Ravi Alfred)
    • 4-4A (Preethi Athreya)
    • 4-4B (Subin)

    Some messages from those who could not attend the AGM

    • 4-2D:- Jayaraman: As myself and family is away from Chennai, we are not in a position to attend the meeting.
    • 2-1D:- Krithika & Anand: We will not able to attend the meeting this time due to unavoidable situation.
    • 3-1D:- Unfortunately, i am travelling at this time and will not be able to attend. However, please place on record my deepest appreciation for all the good work you and your able team have been doing for the association.


    The President Srinivas Edeclared the Annual General Body Meeting open.  In his brief talk he thanked Harsha, Binoy and all the other committee members and staff  for their co-operation.


    The  Treasurer P.K.Binoy submitted the accounts for the period 2017-18 & 2018-19 to all those present and explained the various challenges he encountered in balancing the books.


    Some of the activities of 2017-18 & 2018 -19 detailed in the Secretary, Harsha Koda's report: -


    1. Lift painting work.

    2. Fire Extinguisher refilled

    3. WTP pressure tank changed

    4. Treadmill repair work. (Gym)

    5. Sitting Cycle repair work.

    6. WTP salt bag shelf work

    7. WTP room roof work

    8. 1st & 2nd block rain water harvesting pipeline work

    9. Lift license renewal

    10. STP & WTP tank cleaning

    11. 3rd & 4th block rain water harvesting pipeline work

    12. All blocks terrace & Lift doors changed

    13. Main Entrance civil work (Paving Block)

    14. Common area painting work

    15. Common area crack work completed, during painting time.

    16. All flats a/c pipeline fixed.

    17. 28 Foot well digged.

    AMCs and licenses - All the required AMCs and licenses have been updated and renewed

    • Genset oil service  - every month
    • Gym AMC renewed
    • Security cameras AMC renewed
    • Gym A/C AMC renewed
    • Lift AMC


    Pest Control:

    • Cockroach Pest control - every 3 months
    • Rat Pest control - as per requirement
    • Spider control - as per requirement.           
    The main thing we discussed in AGMis Shanthanu (Guest House Operator) issue. He did not pay the revised maintenance.  When the office bearers approach him for the same he did not respond well and also used abusing words to our treasurer.  Though several reminders given to him and his owners also, he did not apologize for his behaviour till now. So the committee members taken decision in AGM, from Sep.19 onwards maintenance amount will be collected on or before 10th of every month.  If it is due the facilities will be disconnected without prior information. The same has been informed to all the owners and all agreed.

    The another thing, during the water crisis in OMR, when all the apartments maintained a time slot for water. In sabari terrace we provided water facility 24/7, with the help of committee members and staffs.

    Due to personal commitment Mr. BINOY, (Treasurer) could not continue his position as treasurer. Mr. Ravikumar (2-2D) has elected as new treasurer.

    Core committee:

    • President Srinivas Edupuganti 2-2B
    • Secretary Harsha Koda 3-3C
    • Treasurer Ravi Kumar 2-2D

    Other committee members – 

      • Rajalakshmi Mohanan (2-1B)
      • Suresh Ganesan (1-4D)
      • Praveen Tiruvoth (3-1A)
      • Venkatesawaran R (4-1C)
      • Shekar Subramanian(4-2C)
      • Ravi Alfred (4-3C)
      • Preethi Athreya (4-4A)
      • Subin Nettar (4-4B)


    Some of the future plans and projections were discussed and the following decisions taken.

    1.  Additional Underground sump

    2.  Staff’s Advance

    3. Extra Cameras

    4. WTP pressure Tank

    5. STP vessels to change


    If I have missed out something please let me know and I will send another mail sometime soon.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the next meeting.

    Thanks and regards,


    Harsha Koda


    Team STAOA